The Dawn of Hope Ladies League was excited to welcome Dr. Jennifer Boggs, a Nurse Practitioner who specializes in mental health, on Friday, August 8 to speak on Health Awareness and Tips for Healthier Living.
She discussed her responsibilities as a Nurse Practitioner and shared information on eating balanced meals, sleeping adequate amounts, exercising regularly and taking part in enjoyable activities in order to keep your body and mind in shape. Dr. Boggs further engaged the ladies with a hands on exploration and demonstration of a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff.
Community presenters provide a unique opportunity for Dawn of Hope service recipients to interact with a member of the community and to further learn about the community in which they live. However, the impact of the presentation extends much further than the information presented. It introduces new information, provides new experiences, and fosters friendship with the community.
The Ladies League, a Dawn of Hope club comprised of service recipients and staff, gather together once a week for group activities and learning. If you would like to take part in activities or schedule a visit, email Lisa Pawley, Director of Public Relations and Development or Elizabeth Williams, Public Relations Specialist.